Project: fitNUS


fitNUS is a desktop application that is targeted at NUS students who are looking to improve their fitness. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 20 kLoC.

About the Team

We are a group of 5 Computer Science undergraduates from Year 2 and Year 3 reading CS2103T: Software Engineering.

About the Project

fitNUS represents a culmination of our team’s efforts in morphing an existing Address Book Level 3 (AB3) project into a new product via Brownfield software development. fitNUS is a personal fitness tracker assistant which allows users to create customised workout routines, by having the flexibility to add exercises to the routines they have created. To facilitate workouts around their busy schedules, users have an added option of slotting lessons and routines to their timetable.

Summary of Contributions

  • New Feature: Added Timetable and Slot classes together with their relevant implementations.
    • What it does: Allows the user to add existing Routines or Lessons in fitNUS into their timetable by creating a Slot. The Timetable class has a list of Slots, where each Slot encapsulates an Activity, the Day and Duration.
    • Justification: This is a core feature of fitNUS and allows users to have the flexibility of adding Routines/Lessons to any day and time slot of their choice in their timetable. This allows users to integrate their workout sessions into their lesson timetable.
    • Highlights: Implementing Timetable and Slot classes required a deep understanding of how the original AB3 functioned. Furthermore, the Slot class stores Routines or Lessons and it requires both classes to be implemented well before Slot can properly encapsulate them. Whenever a Routine or Lesson is edited or deleted, the corresponding slot(s) in the timetable that contain them have to be edited or deleted accordingly as well.
  • New Feature: Added the ability to store height and weight in fitNUS.
    • What it does: Allows the user to store his height and weight so that he can keep track of his fitness progress.
    • Justification: Such a feature improves our application significantly as it helps users to better track their fitness levels and plan their fitness journey properly, such as the need for weight loss or weight gain.
    • Highlights: The initial implementation of height and weight stores them as the primitive data type double. I decided to improve the implementation by adding Height and Weight classes in fitNUS so that it follows closely from the existing implementation of the Name class in Address Book Level 3. This is to provide consistency throughout the code base and makes the relevant command and parser classes easier to implement while ensuring high code quality at the same time.
  • Code contributed: You can view my code contributions to fitNUS here.

  • Project management:
    • Managed releases v1.1 - v1.4 (4 releases) on GitHub
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Wrote test cases for Timetable, Slot, and the relevant classes that they encapsulate for the model, logic and storage components. Added more tests to the general classes and utility classes such as FitNusParser, FitNus, and ParserUtil. #201 #204
    • Fixed the case-sensitive issues of allowing duplicate Routine, Exercise or Lesson to be added into fitNUS. Fixed the issue of having too long names by restricting it to maximum of 50 characters. #187

Contributions to the team-based tasks:

  • Contributed to the planning and designing of the display and layout of fitNUS.
  • Enhanced existing code written by teammates to ensure code quality and improve readability of code.
  • Ensured code is well documented by checking for the necessary header comments in classes or methods to improve readability.

Contributions to the User Guide:

  • Contributed to the documentation for Exercise, Lesson, and Timetable. #77

  • Contributed to the command summary for User Guide. (refer to above link)

  • Contributed to the structure of the User Guide such that there is better flow and improved readability.

  • Contributed to the language and style of the User Guide by making it more reader-centric through the use of active voice and you-language. #93

Contributions to the Developer Guide:

  • Updated the Model and Storage component from AB3 to better reflect how fitNUS works. #209

  • Added implementation details of the command timetable_add_routine, through the use of a sequence diagram to illustrate the flow of method calls in fitNUS. #88

  • Added design considerations for the implementation of the lesson_delete feature. #209

  • Refined and added more use cases in the Appendix. #209

  • Added manual testing for Timetable and Routine commands, and contributed to the Efforts section. #209


  • Reported bugs/feature flaws and suggestions for other teams in the class during PE Dry Run. #1 #2 #3